Sunday, November 16, 2008

From Mitzpe Ramon to Kibbutz Ketura

We started the day with a fore-shortened Shacarit service on the edge of the Makhtesh.What a phenomenal experience. Rabbi Mark (Team Boulder) led a beautiful sunrise service. Ilana and the crew played the drums as we sang Modeh Ani (the morning prayer) and offered a few selected prayers related to our upcoming effort.

After the service, we did some stretching with Alma and one of the other limber crew members.

When we rolled out, it was directly into an all-out screaming descent into the Makhtesh with crazy switchbacks. However, once we were past the last switchback, we had a stupendous straight-away where a bunch of us hit our top speeds ... ever! I only got to 46.4 mph because I was sitting up too much - the view was gorgeous and I didn't want to miss it. Rabbi Mario topped 51 mph! He'd seen the view in May when he did the ride last time. ;)

Well, what goes down must come up. Each of the climbs (into Shdema, out of Nachal Pharan and the slow burn towards the last descent into Ketura) was work. This was not a day of rest.

The reward? Yet another screaming descent into Ketura. AND, plenty of beer and wine waiting for us at Kibbutz Ketura, Arava's home. We ended the day with a great meal and music around the campfire.

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